Dedicated to the science and practice of belonging.

The IEI offers leading-edge, evidence-based trainings, mentorships and programs which guide students and practitioners alike into deeper intelligence, intimacy, and wellness. Through the lens of erotic intelligence and embodiment, at the crossroads where soul, spirit, eros, and human community meet, we learn wellness through experiencing the myriad ways we are designed to belong; to ourselves, to each other, to the Earth and to Life itself. At a time when it was never more critical that we remember.

 Current Opportunities

Embodied Ethics Webinar Series

A Free Series for Radical Practitioners

The ethical self this world so critically needs right now is, first and foremost, the one with the capacity to be in the present-moment situation, alive and informed with intelligence and wisdom and the capacity to imagine what is possible from here. Our ecologically embedded ethical self understands that we are inextricably implicated in and partially responsible for whatever is possible in any given moment. Far beyond merely ‘getting it right’, following the rules or causing harm, our ethical self has the capacity to notice the many layers of what is happening right now, feeling ourselves and our part, and therefore seeing what is ours to contribute…and then having the courage and capacity to contribute it. Join us for these 3 free 1-hour webinar designed to support the radical practitioner in these unprecedented times. In these webinars we will work with practical ethical navigations through the landscape of our bodies…starting first with sensation, then feeling, emotion and finally the meaning we make from all of this.

Embodied Ethics

A 12-week Online Experiential and Seminar-Based Professional Training

As practitioners, we are taught that there is a right way and a wrong way to behave with our clients, students, employees, parishioners (and others). There is good behavior and there is bad behavior. In fact, we are taught there are good people and there are bad people. In this model we’re expected to behave, which requires that we simply follow a set of clearly specified rules created by someone else.

This model supports a power over, top-down, outside-in model of relationship navigation. It supports the atrophy of our muscles of embedded, erotically intelligent and contextual discernment, while over-developing our willingness and propensity to follow the rules without questioning.

And it sets us up to cause harm, rather than prevent it.

This course is designed for practitioners who feel the urgent call to cultivate an intimate relationship with their Ethical Self and to stand as pioneering practitioners working to lay the foundation for a different system of accountability.

Continuing Education Series

A Free Self-Paced Online Course Series
for SSEs, CSBs, Bodyworkers, Coaches, and Therapists

While each of these 90-minute recordings are structured as stand-alone classes, the curriculum, from session to session, is interrelated and will build on itself as we progress through all four, so you may find that you get much more if you watch in order. This series includes the following four classes.

  • Finding Pleasure in Sensation: An Introduction to Erotic Embodiment 

  • An Introduction to Attunement: Transforming Theory Into Practice

  • Fostering Belonging in a Fractured World: An Introduction to Trauma Through a Soulcentric Lens

  • Ethics & Power: Cultivating Ethics From the Inside Out